If you’re new to Elizabethton Alliance Church or the Elizabethton, TN area check out what you can expect from EAC.
Elizabethton Alliance Church is about building God’s family both locally and to the farthest reaches of the earth.
Locally, EAC offers challenging Sunday School classes that help Christians go deeper and experience a more rich and fulfilling relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ. With our variety of classes, you’re sure to find one that meets you where you’re at in your walk with Christ and equips you to make the next step toward becoming more Christlike. Our worship is a heartwarming blend of music that brings Christians of all ages to the throne of God, and Pastor Louie cuts through the fluff and gets right to the heart of critical issues that every Christian must deal with as they strive to shed the sinful nature and put on Christ. Our fellowship goes far beyond the confines of Sunday services. Our Christian lives go on all week long and so does our fellowship with one another. You might attend a special event or be invited for a quiet dinner with a loving family. It’s all a part of what makes EAC a great family.
Sundays @ 10:30am
533 East Elk Ave
Elizabethton, TN
We are located in beautiful downtown Elizabethton plenty of parking on main street and in the parking lot behind the building off East E Street (across from the library).
It doesn’t take long to see EAC’s heart for all Christians around the world and their determination to assist them in reaching out to their neighbors with the good news of the gospel. Weekly missions moments and an annual missions conference keep our minds, our hearts, and our prayers set on those outside the borders of America who are serving the Lord. Videos allow us to hear from the missionaries we’ve been following and see the things they are accomplishing for the kingdom. We also get to know about our Christian brothers and sisters overseas.
The bottom line is the Elizabethton Alliance Church loves people as Christ has commanded us. If you’re desperately looking for someone to love you and encourage you, EAC is a great place to be.